Let us help find the right donor for you!
All patients are encouraged to select a minimum of four (4) donors from the Online Donor Catalog and list their choices in order of their preference.
The Donor Selection Form can assist you in matching your physical characteristics and traits, as well as those of your partner to donors listed in the online catalog.
If a patient’s first choice was unavailable, then the patient or the physician’s office would proceed to order their second, third or fourth choice. The number of semen specimens available for purchase on each donor varies from month to month since some specimens may not be released from quarantine. Also, there is no standard number of vials available for all donors.
Donor availability is available to patients/physician’s offices upon request by phone.
The online catalog contains information on each donor regarding race, ethnic background, blood type, Rh factor, physical characteristics, religion, education, occupation and special interests and hobbies.
The long extensive profile (30+ pages) consists of a detailed personal and three-generation family medical and genetic history. These profiles should be reviewed carefully by the patient before selecting a donor.
Please note our Return Policy.